How to use

Study materials in “Mangadou” were created to help you to study Japanese but they cannot be a base of your study.

Since in Japanese many grammatical constructions, particles and words have several meanings, explanations in the notes are very much simplified and describe only the meanings that appear in the given context. If you wish to know more about described grammar forms, I recommend checking  textbooks or other sources.

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japanese notes - how to use


Click on the word in order to see the translation of each word and explanation of each grammar form and particle.








japanese notes - how to use


Click on the biggest empty space in the speech bubble in order to see the translation of the whole sentence.







japanese notes - how to use

You might notice that in grammar explanations, in some places there is hiragana and in some there is romaji. In the example above, we can see the sentences:

To create a potential form, in case of ru-verbs (vowel – stem verbs) る is changed into られる.

To create a potential form, in case of u-verbs (consonant – stem verbs) ~u is changed into ~eru.


In order to not confuse the reader, I decided to use romaji when hiragana does not change in the same way as the sound of the words do.


Please take a look at hiragana and romaji of the examples below:

Gaikokujin ha nattou wo taberareru?

In this case verbべる (taberu)  was changed into べられる (taberareru), which means that both hiragana characters and sound changed in the same way.

Nihongo ga hanaseru?
Can you speak Japanese?

In this case verb  はなす (hanasu) was changed into はなせる (hanaseru). Although phonetically ~u became ~eru, hiragana was changed from す to せる, not from う to える.




If you buy subscription with homework, you will be able to use homework button in the library and under each page of manga. If you are not a subscriber, you can still order homework in the shop.

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japanese notes - how to use

After buying homework you will need to wait up to 24 hours to receive the product.
After submitting homework you will need to wait up to 48 hours to receive the results.

japanese notes - how to use






In the shop you can buy a lifetime access to single manga as well as homework from pages chosen by you.


Subscriptions gives you an unlimited access to all of the manga from the website for the limited or unlimited amount of time. You can choose from:

  • one year access for all of the manga (without homework)
  • one month access to all of the manga (with 15 homework included)
  • one month access to all of the manga (without homework)




Grammar explanations:

We can apply grammar explanation to everything; manga, articles and blogs in Japanese, songs etc.


If you order grammar explanations from your own sources, we can also prepare homework for them.

As a subscriber or via the shop you can order only one homework for each page. If you wish to order more than one homework from the page chosen by you or have specific request such as below:

  • only open questions
  • only test questions
  • only questions on advanced level
  • only questions on basic level
  • more questions from the grammar constructions chosen by you

we can arrange it for you.

In that cases price would vary individually so please contact us in case you are interested.